Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

Monday, November 30, 2009

Treating excessive underarm sweating naturally

Excessive underarm sweating is not only unsightly, it is uncomfortable to deal with and sometimes leads to skin rashes and itching. Don't sweat it (no pun intended), there are ways to treat excessive underarm sweating naturally...

Those of you who suffer with excessive underarm sweating know how difficult it is to not be able to wear what you want, to worry non stop about those sweat marks... Well, there are ways to deal with excessive underarm sweating naturally by using common ingredients...

Causes of excessive sweating

Axillary Hyperhidrosis, or excessive underarm sweating can have many causes. Sometimes, the cause is neurological. Sometimes, metabolism goes haywire and causes the sweat glands to produce more than usually. Often, people find themselves covered in sweat when the weather is humid and hot (I can relate, being in Georgia!). Stress and nervousness prompt the sweat glands to go into high production. Whatever the cause is, you need to consult a dermatologist to determine what your problem is.

There are several options you could resort to: antiperspirants, botox, and surgery. But, why not try and deal with this problem naturally by using some of these home remedies:

Baking soda

Baking soda is a base that returns the skin's pH to normal. To help prevent sweating, apply some baking soda on your armpits after taking a shower. Baking soda regulates the skin's pH but also helps kill the excess bacteria that can cause body odor.


Not only it unglues the bond that holds the dead skin cells together, its acids again help the skin in regulating its pH. Apply it on clean skin a few times a day.

Citrus fruits

Lime or lemons are acidic. They are also astringents, meaning they shrink the pores which in turn reduces sweating. Citric fruits help cleanse the skin and eliminate bacteria causing the odor.

To use it, cut a lemon (or lime) in half and rub it against the skin. Again, make sure you take a shower beforehand.

Finally, take showers often and wear cotton based clothes.

These natural remedies are effective you should try it it also prevents blackening your under arms and safe to use.


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