Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Skin care Tips and Remedies

Introduction to the Skin care

With lots of factor, the skin changes and such changes in skin are both; intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic changes can be defined as the changes appearing with ageing of body. Extrinsic changes, on the other hand, are due to external factors such as sun, smoking, gravity and improper skin care. We can’t stop any intrinsic changes since that is programmed in the body, but one can surely change the overall habits and hence, can lessen the changes because of extrinsic factors.
Why take skin care?

Let us look at the changes in skin because of the most common factor – the ageing. As it is well known that the skin has three layers namely; epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer) and subcutaneous layer that is underneath the dermis. As one grows, the epidermis or the outermost layer starts beginning to become thinner. The melanocytes (kind of pigments that contain cells) decrease. Though melanocytes diminish in number they increase in sizes. This gives a kind of pale complexion to the skin. Ageing changes because of the sunrays such as liver spots or lentigo appearance. They are also known as aging spots. The blood vessels in the dermis start to lose strengths and easily turn to bruising and bleeding underneath the skin. The subcutaneous layer supporting with fat padding to skin also becomes thinner. This would again increase the risk of getting skin injuries. Both sweating gland and sebaceous gland becomes less active.

Because of aging, meeting day-by-day pollution and other irritants, the skin loses its suppleness, textures and strengths. With aging spots and other pigmentations, the look is lost and skin becomes dull. With weakening of strengths, it becomes easy for skin to get damaged easily. Healing will become very slow and amazingly, the healing is four times as slow in advanced age than to youthful years. Skin will turn dry and the senses of touch heat etc. reduce considerably. Other growths like skin tags, warts, mar the appearance foster.

Skin care tips

A facial mask of egg white and honey helps removing the tan from the face.

Mixing oats with honey, yoghurt and ground almonds is very good. One can apply this on the face, leave it for about 10 min and then wash with lukewarm water.

Cucumber is very natural cleanser. For this, one can take cucumber juice with milk and use this in place of a cleanser.

Take 1/3 -cup cocoa, 3 tsp of some moisturizing cream, 1/3 - cup ripe papaya, ¼ - cup of honey and 3 tsp of oatmeal powder. Blend them all together and then apply this mixture onto the face. After 15 min, washing the face with lukewarm water becomes beneficial especially for the oily skin.

For the oily skin one can also go for application of a mixture of grapes, lemon and eggs’ whites. Leave this for about 15 min and rinse with lukewarm water. While lemon will act as a natural cleanser, grapes penetrate deep into the skin and soften it. Egg white tightens it.

One can simply cut the lemon and rub that all across the face. Leave it for about 15 min, and then wash it off with cold water. This refreshes the face. However, one should avoid this if having the dry skin.

Mix honey, lemons and vegetables’ oil .This mixture is a favorable moisturiser for drier skin. Apply this mask for 15 min.

One of the best remedies for skin care is to apply the mixture of honey and milk all over the face since it makes the skin glow.

One can prepare a mask. For this, mix a slice of pumpkin with egg yolks and milk. Let the mask stay on the face for about half an hour for a glowing skin.

Mix ½ cup of honey to the bathwater for softer and smoother skin.

To get soothing body pack, prepare a paste out of mint leaf and fresh almonds. Mix it with lukewarm water and apply on the body. Leave it till it gets dried and rinse with lukewarm water.

Buttermilk dabbing onto the skin for 20 min soaks up oil from the skin without making it dry.

Carrot juice can also be applied to get rid of daily fades and/or blemishes.

If one has dark underarms and neck, applying lemon juice blended with cucumber juice and a little bit of turmeric daily is beneficial. Leave this there for about half an hour before rinsing.

If one wants to remove facial hair, application of a sticky paste of egg white mixed up with sugar and corn flour gives favorable results.

Milk is such a useful ingredient for us to have a glowing skin! There are many natural skin care tips we can apply to avoid skin aging, oily skin, pimples and wrinkles which are available in our kitchen cabinets. Isn't it stress-free?

Resources of Common Sense Skin care Prompt

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